Principal’s Flyer #18: December 15, 2024
Dear Students & Families:
As we enter our last school week of the 2024 calendar year, we would like to thank our staff, families, and of course, students who have made this calendar year productive and wonderful. Bravo to our Middle School and High School Concert Bands for a special winter/holiday concert last Thursday night. Thank you to our families for such strong attendance. This concert had everything from middle school students explaining skills demonstrated on stage to pops style holiday songs mixed with guitars. My favorite moment had to be the Middle School students spontaneously singing along with a high school song from their reserved seats in the audience just after their own stellar performance. This was incredibly, incredibly charming. Thanks again to our families, community and alums for your strong turnout, thank you to our MS/HS concerts bands (of course!) and thank you to our HS Band Director, Mr. Salvadore for the evening’s performance. And if you missed this concert, here’s one clip to hold you over until our spring performances.
Thank you to Ms. Duplessis and Ms. Chapman’s National Honors Society students, who participated in Wreaths Across America this past Friday at the Massachusetts Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Winchendon. NRHS presented a check for donation to the wreath fund and continues to participate in this ceremony and tradition on a yearly basis. Thank you again to our NHS students for supporting this wonderful tradition!
Finally, kudos to Mr. Gagnon’s Competition Robotics students who had 14 robots entered in competition at Oakmont. Three Warriors robots finished in the top five, with Zack Harmon and Quinn Wiedle taking 5th (#7457A); Tyler Orcutt and Miranda Sweeney 4th (#7457B); and Jacob Lefrennie and Alan Anderson 2nd (#7457E). And while Robotics students were scrimmaging at Oakmont, our Project Lead the Way Cybersecurity and Introduction to Engineering students were collaborating with industry professionals and students across the state to work through challenges facing industry professionals, working with members in the field to help inform and provide feedback on their solutions to real-world problems. Bravo to Warrior students for participation in the first Student Solve Virtual Event, and thank you to Mr. Scanlan-Emigh for making this happen for our students!
Looking ahead to this week. All students are reminded that we have a Spirit Week in store this week, and we will run full school days Monday through Thursday, with Friday (12/20). scheduled to be a half day (dismissal at 11:10 AM) with special student workshops prepared for our students to enjoy the day prior to vacation! We’ll look forward to seeing our local seniors citizens at NRSD’s Annual Senior Citizen Holiday Luncheon, and a reminder to all families that we’ll see students back in our buildings after holiday recess on Thursday, January 2, 2025. Warmest wishes from your NRHS administration and thank you for your support of our students and school in 2024. We’re excited for everything 2025 has in store for us!
Seal of Biliteracy: Opportunity for Students in 2025 |
We are pleased to share with you our district/high school’s participation in the Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy, which aims to publicly and formally recognize students for proficiency in multiple languages during graduation week and as part of the students diploma and academic record at NRHS. Students and families are encouraged to learn more about Massachusetts State Seal for Biliteracy, please review this letter, from our Assistant Superintendent, Ms. Molly Superchi.
Our counseling team will be reaching out to students and families, including seniors, about this important opportunity, which is available to students starting this academic year (after break) and going forward in the future.
Electronic Libraries: Warrior Access to 70,000
Electronic Libraries: Warrior Access to 70,000+ Books |
A reminder to all students and families that students now have access to 70,000+ books through their one-to-one devices (NRHS chromebooks) via two digital libraries.
Students can access eBooks through Follet Destiny Discover Library of roughly 400 curated books
Students can also access a wider library of 70,000 books through Sora
Please watch this short video which explains the easy process of finding and checking out a book! No better time to check out a good book than on a chilly, wintry day!
Harlem Wizards Are Back!: January 30, 2025 @ 7:00 PM in Putnam (NRHS) Gym |
Thinking about Holiday Gifts? Well…Don’t forget The Harlem Wizards are coming back to play basketball against the NRSD Staff Team in a fun-filled community event on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 7:00 PM in the Narragansett Regional High School gymnasium. Tickets for this event are on sale now!
Use the following link to purchase tickets:
Newly Available! School-Based Telemedicine |
As a result of expanding opportunities provided by our partners at Heywood, students will now be able to see a Nurse Practitioner via zoom with the assistance of our high school nurses. No copays are required for families. If needed, a nurse practitioner can also send prescriptions to the pharmacy for students.
Please see this important flyer for further information. Families may also reach out and ask a nurse!
From Your NRSD Counseling Team: Winter/Holiday Resources |
Mass 211: Call 211 for 24/7 for support with emergency food, rent help paying your heating and utility bills, mental health counseling, health programs, public health and safety services, child care referrals, job resources, and other help for individuals, parents and families.
Mass Behavioral Health Helpline: Call/text: 833-773-2445 for 24/7 emergency/nonemergency support: The Behavioral Health Help Line (BHHL) connects individuals (children and adults) and families to the full range of treatment services for mental health and substance use offered in Massachusetts, including outpatient, urgent, and immediate crisis care. Call for real-time support, initial clinical assessment, and connection to the right evaluation and treatment. No insurance needed and over 200 languages available in real-time interpretation.
Important Reminders & Events At-A-Glance |
Reminder: Routine Health Screenings Conclude This Week! A notice to families that our nursing office will continue conducting routine postural screenings for 10th graders this week. These screenings are always brief and only a minor disruption to the student’s day:
10th grade BMI/Hearing/Vision screenings, week of 12-16-12/20
Rho Kappa Social Studies Honors Society will meet this Tuesday, December 17th @ 2:25 PM in Ms. Charrier’s Room (133)!
Bishop’s Holiday Dinners is urgently seeking volunteers to serve as delivery drivers on Christmas Day to help bring meals to individuals across Worcester County. If you are interested in being of service, you can:
Sign up to be a delivery driver for Christmas Day.
Share the attached flyer with your network or post it in your community spaces.
To sign up or learn more, visit the website.
Here the Meal Delivery Driver’s Flyer as well.
FAFSA Reminder for Senior Families. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available for students who will be in college during the 2025-26 academic year. Visit to complete the online financial aid application used by the vast majority of U.S. colleges. A few days before completing the FAFSA, both the student and parent will need to set up a Federal Student Aid account username and password (this account is sometimes called a Federal Student Aid ID). Visit to do so.
We wish you all a wonderful week ahead and upcoming holiday break! Warmly-
Colby Young & Michelle Landry
Narragansett Regional School District Athletics Calendar |
Updated 12/15/24. Click here for the most Up-to-Date Schedule.