Principal’s Flyer #9: October 14, 2024
Dear Students & Families:
We hope you enjoyed a lovely holiday weekend. Thanks to all of our middle and high school students and families for coming out to Friday Night Lights last weekend and for your support of our Middle and High School cheer and football teams! Please remember to save the date for the Class of 2025’s Trunk or Treat, which will be held Saturday, October 26th..and all 8th graders are reminded that your dance will be held this Friday on October 18th at NRHS from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Families of grade 8 students and/or dance attendees, details can be found here. We’re looking forward to an outstanding dance!
At the top of this week’s weekly update, we’d like to celebrate NRHS 10th grader Kelly Taylor for her ongoing civic engagement, supporting Worcester County Sheriff Evangelidis’ Warmer Winters initiative this year. Here’s Kelly supporting the Coat Drive, and Kelly running a half marathon with fellow sophomore Lillian Morrilly in the students’ spare time. Bravo to these outstanding Warriors! And for anyone interested, the Warmer Winters Coat Drive starts on October 22nd this year.
Finally, congratulations to juniors Mia Manca, Maxim Kauffman, and Tallulah Celata for selection as student ambassadors to the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletics Association (MIAA). As MIAA Ambassadors, Mia, Max, and Tallulah will represent NRHS and join in leadership activities and development with fellow students and leaders from around the state. Kudos to these student athletes.
Varsity Letterman’s Powderpuff Game (2024!) |
Varsity Letterman’s Powderpuff Game 2024 has been scheduled for this fall. We’ll post a flyer over the next several weeks, but we recommend saving the date for the evening of November 4th. Note: students are off from school on November 5th for an all district professional development day. So students, you can jumpstart your day off with an evening of Powder Puff Football.
Save the Date: Fall Conferences: November 25th & 26th |
Students and families are advised in advance to Save the Date for NRHS 2024 conferences. Fall Conference Dates this year will be on November 25th and 26th.
On Monday, November 25th
Conferences will be held between 11:45 AM and 2:30 PM, and 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.
On Tuesday, November 26th
Conferences will be held between 11:45 AM and 2:30 PM.
Over the coming weeks we will send out sign-up information and further details regarding conferences.
Important Reminders & Events At-A-Glance |
Courtesy of our partners at Heywood, here’s Heywood’s School Based Services Newsletter for the month of October.
Reminder: Term 1 closes on November 1st!
Attention 8th Grade Families. On Friday, October 25th all grade 8 students will attend a tour of vocational programming at Monty Tech from approximately 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
Transportation will be provided from NRHS to Monty Tech, and then back from Monty Tech to NRHS.
Any family wishing to opt out of this tour should email Kathy McAuliffe
We will hold a brief assembly on Monday, October 21st (C Block) to make sure all junior chromebooks are up to date for PSAT, AP Testing, and generally.
Reminder VIP Tour Students. For students who signed up for Monty Tech’s afternoon tours (4 dates), we will dismiss students by group, via intercom to the buses on the following dates just after 2:00 PM each day, beginning this Thursday.
10/17, 10/24, 11/7, and 11/14
Attention Juniors. On Friday, October 25th all juniors will take the PSAT-NMSQT at no cost to families. This test helps students set a target for potential SAT scores, offers valuable practice on the SAT style-tests, and allows high scoring Junior students the possibility of qualifying for a National Merit Scholarship.
This test will be conducted starting @ 8:00 AM.
Any family wishing to opt out should email Principal Young
NCAA Eligibility Center is hosting a separate webinar for potential college-bound student-athletes and their families on Sunday, November 3rd. If you are a student-athlete considering participation in college athletics, you are encouraged to attend this webinar.
All Warriors: Note that our picture retake day will be tomorrow/Tuesday October 15th.
Walgreens Covid/Flu Vaccine clinic will be held on October 23rd from 5:00 - 8:00 PM in the Middle School Cafeteria.
And if you missed it online and/or on our sign and you’re reading this tonight, you can still support our Prom/Graduation/Safety program, “GAAP Day” by grabbing a pizza at Papa Ginos! Proceeds support our 2024 GAAP Day programming.
This coming Friday is Fall Flannel Friday. We’re wishing you a fabulous week ahead, Warriors!
Colby Young & Michelle Landry
Narragansett Regional School District Athletics Calendar |
Updated 10/14/24. Click here for the most Up-to-Date Schedule.