Memo heading


Welcome to The Friday MemoNMS has a culture of continuous improvement--improvement in every aspect of teaching & learning and the student experience in order to support students being productive at their highest levels. We are in the business of student achievement and building a positive school culture--these are the only agendas at NMS that count!

🏈 Join the NMS community for FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS! Tonight's NRHS Varsity Football Game starts at 7:00 p.m.! Wear your pink to support October's Breast Cancer Awareness!MS Friday Night Lights

Thank you for your input for the question of the week about least favorite chores! Here's the data so far. You have one more week to weigh in on this one!

data✏️ Click HERE to answer this week's survey question: What is your least favorite chore to do at home?

Pink Out!Pink Out!Pink Out!Pink Out!

Make-up Picture Day / Picture Retakes is coming!

On Tuesday, October 15, Lifetouch Photography will be at NMS to get pictures of any students who were absent for picture day AND anyone who needs a photo retaken! Check out the QR code on the form below for more information!

LIfetouch form

What's Up, NMS?StuCo RecyclingStuCo RecyclingStuCo RecyclingStudent Council members (above) contribute to the building each Friday by taking out the recycling bins and returning empty ones to classrooms around NMS 😃

Mrs. Parker's Math ClassMs. Cosentino's Literacy ClassTop, Mrs. Parker's 6th Grade Math class during a turn 'n talk moment where students discuss their thought process as they work through a concept; above, 6th Grade students in Ms. Cosentino's Literacy in Action class listen to a podcast and periodically stop to discuss as they sharpen their skills in identifying tone and mood from the narrator's use of his voice reading The Creeping Hour.

Mr. McNamara's 6th Grade ScienceInternational Club's Celebration of Spanish Heritage MonthTop: Mr. McNamara's 6th Grade Science Class during a peer-review process as part of the culmination of their physical model project; above, the International Club helps celebrate Spanish Heritage Month with a display; below, students in Mr. Aubuchon's Digital Literacy during a role-play activity about cyberbullying and what it means to be an UPstander vs a BYstander and why it's important to speak up and support someone experiencing cyberbullying.

Mr. Aubuchon's Class

🎃 Don't miss out on the always popular LEO CLUB BASKET RAFFLE!

Leo Club Halloween Baskets

StuCo AffirmationsAbove, great advice about reading posted outside Mrs. Tominsky's door (6th Grade ELA); below, the bulletin board challenging the 6th Grade ELA "houses" to a reading contest. Stay tuned for details!!

6th Grade Reading Challenge

Below: students in Mrs. Gelinas' Reading class have been working on a theme about TIME, including how telling time has changed throughout the years while incorporating reading, spelling and writing skills. Their unit project was to write a personal narrative about an experience when time was important and create a working sundial as a culminating project! Students then tested their sundials outside recently on a beautiful sunny day which practices skills in recording data and making observations!


🗓 Important Information for Any Student Staying After School & Late Bus Details!

Students who remain after school must be with a school-related activity (club or sports), or meeting with a teacher. Students are not permitted to loiter on school grounds after dismissal. The district offers a late bus to students on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday which departs from the rear parking lot at 2:55 p.m. sharp. Any student looking to utilize the late bus must be aware of two important details:

  • The late bus does NOT follow routes of the morning or afternoon buses that bring students to and from school. Check HERE for the list of stops the late bus follows; and

  • ALL students riding the late bus must obtain a pass from the teacher with whom they stayed after school. Students will not be permitted on the late bus without a valid pass from the teacher the student was with after school.

NMS Clubs & Activities😃 Get involved! Join a Club or Activity!

NMS offers several ways for students to get involved beyond the school day. Students should listen for morning announcements, read The Friday Memo, and watch the lobby whiteboard and monitor for announcements regarding club start dates, directions for joining, and when the club runs. Clubs meet right after school until the late bus

Club / Activity

Advisor / Staff

Meeting times / information

Art Club

Mrs. Dupuis


Art Room

International Club

Mrs. Medlicott


Room 14


(be sure you know what team you're on!)

Ms. Eaton







Leo Club

Mrs. Dupuis

Tuesdays (twice monthly)

Upcoming dates: October 22, November 12, 19, December 3, 10

Art Room

Student Council

Mrs. Parker & Mrs. McNamara

Every other Thursday

Next meeting: 10/17


Mrs. McBrine



HeadingLunch Menu & What "Day" is it?

Click here for the NRSD Food Services webpage!

MONDAY 10/14




FRIDAY 10/18

No School

C Day

D Day

E Day

F Day

No Lunch Served


Green beans, Tossed Salad

or the salad bar!

Build Your Own Burger Bar!

All the fixings, Tossed Salad

or the salad bar!

Cajun Chicken Pasta

Tossed Salad

or the salad bar!

Assorted Pizza

or the salad bar!

HeadingDates of Note, Events, and other Must-Not-Miss Stuff!

Click here for the NMS Calendar of Events webpage!

Monday, October 14

Columbus Day--No School

Tuesday, October 15

School Portrait RETAKES!

Friday, November 1

Term 1 Grades Close

Tuesday, November 5

No School for Students

Full Day Professional Development for staff

Friday, November 8

Report Cards available on the School Brains Portal after 3:00 p.m.

Monday, November 11

No School--Veterans Day Observed

Monday, November 25

Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.

Teacher Conferences--Afternoon and Evening Sessions (details forthcoming)

Tuesday, November 26

Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.

Teacher Conferences--Afternoon Sessions Only (details forthcoming)

Wednesday, November 27

Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.

Thursday & Friday, November 28 & 29

Thanksgiving Break--No School

Monday, December 9

NMS School Council Meeting

Tuesday, December 10

Midterm Grades Close

Thursday, December 12

NMS Holiday Concert, 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, December 17

Midterm Grades on School Brains, 3 p.m.

Friday, December 20

Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.

Check out these awesome options from Family Resource Centers in Gardner!



AthleticsClick here for the NRSD Athletics webpage!


Click here for the form, or use the QR code below for Templeton Parks and Recreation Basketball registration!
