Happy Friday to everyone in the NMS Community and HAPPY APRIL VACATION!
☀️🥳 All we can say is WOW! Narragansett Middle School had 250+ students and staff after school on April 8th to witness the spectacle of a near-total eclipse! It was a perfect afternoon full of awe and fun as we all gathered on the bleachers to celebrate this magnificent sight. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the students who came, and to all the staff who stayed to help supervise this celebration! Click here to see a short clip of the NMS contingent awaiting maximum coverage! Thank you to families for a smooth and FAST pick up of our over 200 attending students!
Team Eclipse 2024
🎶🎨 Congratulations to all of the artists and musicians who presented a memorable evening on Tuesday, April 9th! The annual Spring Concert and Art Show wows every year and this year did not disappoint! Presenting to a full house, our students showed off their year's worth of efforts, practice, and dedication to making this an impressive show of talent. Thanks to Mrs. Dupuis (NMS Art) and Mr. O’Connor (NMS Music) for leading our resident artists and music students in this great achievement!
🎉 Congratulations go out to the following students for winning the best Logo designs for this year’s Art Show and Music Concert: 1st Place goes to (shown, below, left to right) Jack Melvin, 2nd Place goes to Giuliana Hendley and 3rd place goes to Brianna Beauregard. Their awesome designs were printed on our 2024 Art Show and Music Concert Program!
Still don't have the 'Gansett app? Stay Connected! Download the NRSD app and sign up to receive alerts for a specific school, or the district as a whole! Go to the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) to get the NRSD app and search "Narragansett Regional SD, MA"
🗓 MCAS CONTINUES in May! Click here for the Narragansett Middle School MCAS calendar! Please avoid any unnecessary absences during MCAS and whenever possible, avoid scheduling appointments during testing that will require students to miss classes for make up sessions. Also, please be sure students are supported at home by having them charge their Chromebook fully each night and remember their charger each morning as well. Getting a good night's sleep and eating healthy meals will also make this testing period go more smoothly.
😁 Getting Involved: NMS Extracurriculars Don't forget that all students riding the late bus are required to have a pass signed by the teacher with whom they stayed after school |
Activity | Advisor / Faculty Leader | Meeting Dates |
5th and 6th Grade After-school Band | Band is through for the year! | Thank you to all the students for their dedication and to Mr. O'Connor for his leadership! |
Art Club | Mrs. Dupuis (NMS Art teacher) | Thursdays (as announced) |
Leo Club (Volunteers) | Mrs. Dupuis (NMS Art teacher) | Tuesdays (as announced) |
International Club | Mrs. Medlicott (NMS Spanish teacher) | Thursdays |
Intramurals DODGEBALL IS BACK! New to Intramurals? Click here for the NMS Intramurals Permission slip. All students new to intramurals must submit a signed permission slip before attending. | Ms. Eaton (NMS PE/Health teacher) & Mrs. Caouette (HS PE/Health teacher) | Monday, Tuesday, Thursday |
Science / STEM Club | Mr. Dufour (NMS PLTW teacher) | Tuesdays |
Student Council | Mrs. Wheeler (NMS teacher) Mrs. Parker (NMS 6th grade Math teacher) | 1st and 3rd Thursday (as announced--next scheduled meeting: Thursday, May 2 ) |
Theater Guild | Mr. Schlundt (NMS 7th grade Social Studies teacher) | Mondays |
Yearbook | Mrs. Rivard (NMS 6th grade Social Studies teacher) | Mondays (as announced–-watch Yearbook Google Classroom for any updates!) |
📣 Important Dates & Reminders |
Friday, April 12 | Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Afternoon Professional Development for staff |
April 15 - 19 | April Vacation |
Thursday, April 25 | Students of the Month Assembly! |
Monday, May 6 | 7th Grade MCAS: Math Session I |
Tuesday, May 7 | 7th Grade MCAS: Math Session II |
Wednesday, May 8 | 5th Grade MCAS: Math Session I |
Thursday, May 9 | 5th Grade MCAS: Math Session II |
Monday, May 13 | 6th Grade MCAS: Math Session I |
Tuesday, May 14 | 6th Grade MCAS: Math Session II |
Wednesday, May 15 | 5th Grade MCAS: Science Session I |
Thursday, May 16 | 5th Grade MCAS: Science Session II |
Friday, May 17 | Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Afternoon Professional Development for staff |
May 20 - 24 | 7th Grade Ecology School Week-long field trip to Saco, Maine |
Monday, May 27 | No School--Memorial Day |
Thursday, May 30 | Students of the Month Assembly! |
Thursday, June 13 | **New** Last day of school after 2 snow days (1/16 and 4/424) Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. |
🗓️ After Vacation @ NMS: Daily Schedule and Lunch Menu |
Monday, April 22 | Tuesday, April 23 | Wednesday, April 24 | Thursday, April 25 | Friday, April 26 |
D Day | E Day | F Day | G Day | A Day |
Chicken Nuggets | All-beef Hot Dog | Beef Fajitas | Mel's American Chop Suey | Assorted Pizza |
or the salad bar | or the salad bar | or the salad bar | or the salad bar | or the salad bar |
NRSD Food Services Department
❤️🩹 Nurse Notes |
From Nurse McKinnon:
Friendly reminders from the Health Office…
With cold and flu season in full swing, please remind your students to wash hands FREQUENTLY, bring a water bottle THAT SEALS to school, and to NOT touch their face and mouth.
For ALL medical absences (COVID, flu, strep, etc.) we require doctors notes to make absences excused
Please be mindful of the ill exclusion protocol, which can be found in the handbook. If you have any questions, please reach out to me!
Field trip season is here!!! If your student requires any emergency medications (such as an Epipen, inhaler, etc.), PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE drop them off to the health office at your earliest convenience (if you have not done so already).
We now have a Telehealth Cart in the health office, to rule out acute illnesses such as strep throat, ear infections, contagious illnesses, etc.. If the nursing staff deem your student appropriate for a telehealth visit, with your permission, we will get your student seen by our partnering Nurse Practitioner. ANY questions, please contact me.
From Melissa Oshman, NRSD Interim Nurse Leader:
Any questions please call/email/text Nurse McKinnon:
Narragansett Middle School Nurse:
Alyssa McKinnon ● Email: amckinnon@nrsd.org
Phone: 978-939-2113 ● Fax 978-939-8634 ● Text: 978-939-6326
NRSD Health & Wellness Department
👟 Athletics |
Athletics-related questions?
Contact the Athletic Director:
Brad Bond ● gansettathletics@nrsd.org ● 978-939-7325