Sunrise over school building

Hello, NMS Families & Community!


🎉Congratulations to our newest Students of the Month!   On Thursday, February 29, the NMS student body and staff gathered in the Safka Auditorium to celebrate our latest group named Students of the Month!  These students, selected by staff members, are chosen because they exemplify the core values of Be Nice, Work Hard, No Excusesand Good Choices, which are the foundation of NMS's Shared Expectations. Through these building-wide expectations, students learn positive decision making and build skills in successful participation in classrooms and common spaces, which create spaces where students can thrive, unimpeded, academically.  Congratulations to (above, back row, left to right): Callie Beauregard, Tanner Cook, Ryan Zheng, Daphne Pallotta, Emma Eiben (inset); (front row, left to right) Micah Lorion, Nick Herk, Giulia Imbriglio, and Aubree Pratt.

💝 Congratulations to Dexter Leano, the winner of the Student Council Valentine's Day Gift Basket Raffle!  Dexter's name was pulled from the many, many entrants to the raffle, which was a fundraiser for NMS's StuCo chapter.  Students had the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets at lunch leading up to the raffle in the weeks before February vacation.  Thanks to our Student Council members, who staffed the raffle ticket sales table during their lunch breaks, and to StuCo co-advisors Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Wheeler for their support of this group!

🍕On Tuesday, March 5, NMS will move to a 2-lunch block schedule which slightly adjusts the times for all blocks, in addition to adding a second middle school lunch.  While this does not affect overall scheduling in terms of arrival and dismissal times, any adjustments like this are important to be aware of. There are no changes to our day sequence or block rotation, but for dismissal purposes or late arrivals, please note the following:  1st lunch: 10:53 - 11:23 (6th grade) & 10:55 - 11:25 (7th grade); 2nd lunch: 11:30 - 12:00 (5th Grade).  In addition to a second lunch block that will alleviate congestion in the cafeteria, our Activity Day and Delayed Opening bell schedules are also being adjusted.  These also do not change arrival or dismissal time of the overall school day, but there are minor adjustments to balance out the length of class periods.  For Activity Days, our assembly block will now be held in the afternoon, and during days where a conditions warrant a delayed opening, all classes will meet instead of skipping the first two periods altogether.  

🧢 Spring Athletic registration is OPEN!  Click here to access the NRSD Athletic Department webpage and the teams whose registration is currently open.  

🗓 MCAS is coming!  Click here for the Narragansett Middle School MCAS calendar!  Please avoid any unnecessary absences during MCAS and whenever possible, avoid scheduling appointments during testing that will require students to miss classes for make up sessions.

💻 Families, do you wish you knew more about Google Classroom?  How does it work?  How do I log in?  How do I make it a tool that helps me monitor my students' progress?   Click here for Google Classroom for Parents (YouTube) and Parents' Guide to Google Classroom (PDF).  Thank you to 5th Grade teacher, Mrs. Ehnstrom, for her help in organizing this helpful resource!

☀️ It's coming....are YOU going?  Do not miss the once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse or our NMS Solar Eclipse Party on Monday, April 8th!  NMS is celebrating this exciting event with students in grades 5-7, who will be invited to return the permission slip (coming soon) to attend a party with classmates and staff to view this unique and awe-inspiring sight.  The NRSD Snack Shack will be open, selling food and drinks.  Peaking just before 3:30 p.m., the eclipse will conclude and

student should plan to be picked up by 4:00 p.m.  Certified* eclipse eyewear will be provided for safe solar viewing.   Eclipse glass availability is limited, so don't delay once permission slips are released!  *Eclipse glasses certified by, an American Paper Optics subsidiary.  Click here to see a short video about the event! (Pictured, left to right, are NMS staff members, Mr. Dufour, Mrs McNamara, Mrs. LaFreniere, and Mr. McNamara, just some who are participating in the Solar Eclipse Party who have been wearing t-shirts to help promote this exciting event!)

 📣 A reminder that any student who remains on school grounds after dismissal must be scheduled to stay with a teacher, or NMS activity.  For safety and security reasons, students are not permitted to loiter in or around the building when the day is over.  Don't forget that all students riding the late bus are required to have a pass signed by the teacher with whom they stayed after school. 

Stay Connected!  Download the NRSD app and sign up to receive alerts for a specific school, or the district as a whole!  Go to the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) to get the NRSD app and search "Narragansett Regional SD, MA" 

😁 Getting Involved: NMS Extracurriculars         

Don't forget that all students riding the 
late bus are required to have a pass signed by the teacher with whom they stayed after school


Advisor / Faculty Leader

Meeting Dates

5th and 6th Grade After-school Band 

 2:30 - 3:30*   

Click here for the schedule for after school band*.

*Please see the schedule for dates when band will NOT be held!

Mr. O'Connor 

(NMS Music teacher)

Tuesday & Thursday as scheduled (see link on left)    

 *Band runs 2:30 - 3:30

  Students riding the late bus are welcome to attend after-school band until 2:55!       

Any 7th student interested--see Mr. O'Connor!

Art Club

Mrs. Dupuis

 (NMS Art teacher)


(as announced--next scheduled meeting: Thursday, March 14)

Leo Club (Volunteers)

Mrs. Dupuis 

(NMS Art teacher)


(as announced--next meeting, Tuesday, March 12) 

International Club

Mrs. Medlicott 

(NMS Spanish teacher)




New to Intramurals?   

  Click here for the NMS Intramurals Permission slip.    

 All students new to intramurals must submit a signed permission slip before attending.

Ms. Eaton 

(NMS PE/Health teacher)  


 Mrs. Caouette    

 (HS PE/Health teacher)

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Science / STEM Club

Mr. Dufour  

 (NMS PLTW teacher)


Student Council

Mrs. Wheeler 

 (NMS teacher) &   

 Mrs. Parker 

(NMS 6th grade Math teacher)

1st and 3rd Thursday 

(as announced--next scheduled meeting: Thursday, March 7)

Theater Guild 

Mr. Schlundt 

(NMS 7th grade Social Studies teacher)



Mrs. Rivard 

(NMS 6th grade Social Studies teacher) 


(as announced–next 2 meetings Monday, March  4 & 11) 

  Watch Yearbook Google Classroom for any updates!

📣 Important Dates & Reminders

Wednesday, March 6

Term 3 Midterm Progress Reports on School Brains after 3:00 p.m.

Friday, March 8

Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.   

Afternoon Professional Development for staff

Wednesday, March 27

Students of the Month Assembly!

Thursday, March 28

Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.   

Afternoon Professional Development for staff

Friday, March 29

No School--Good Friday

Monday, April 1

Term 3 Grades close

Friday, April 5

Term 3 Report Cards on School Brains after 3:00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 10

Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. 

Teacher Conferences--Afternoon Sessions Only (details forthcoming)

Thursday, April 11

Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. 

Teacher Conferences--Afternoon Sessions Only (details forthcoming)

Friday, April 12

Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.   

Afternoon Professional Development for staff

April 15 - 19

April Vacation

Thursday, April 25

Students of the Month Assembly!

Friday, May 17

Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Afternoon Professional Development for staff

May 20 - 24

7th Grade Ecology School Week-long field trip to Saco, Maine

Monday, May 27

No School--Memorial Day

Thursday, May 30

Students of the Month Assembly!

Wednesday, June 12

**New** Last day of school after 1 snow day (1/16/24) Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. 

🗓️  Next Week @ NMS: Daily Schedule and Lunch Menu

Monday, March 4

Tuesday, March 5

Wednesday, March 6

Thursday, March 7

Friday, March 8

C Day

D Day

E Day

F Day

G Day

Breakfast for Lunch: French Toast Sticks

Tangerine Chicken

Build Your Own Burger Bar!

Mel's Beefy Mac 'n Cheese

Half Day of School

or the salad bar

or the salad bar

or the salad bar

or the salad bar

No lunch served

NRSD Food Services Department

❤️‍🩹 Nurse Notes

From Nurse McKinnon:

With cold and flu season fast approaching, please remind your students to wash hands FREQUENTLY, bring a water bottle THAT SEALS to school, and to NOT touch their face and mouth.

Did your student test positive for COVID? Here is the timeline...

  • Day 0 is the day you develop symptoms OR the day you test positive- whichever is earlier.

  • Remain Isolated through Day 5

  • Come out of isolation and return to school on Day 6 with a mask

    • If you have a negative test result on day 5, or later

    • you no longer need to mask (although we are encouraging masking through day 10)

  • Mask at all times except while eating and drinking through day 10

  • WE ARE REQUIRING DOCTORS NOTES FOR ALL COVID POSITIVES TO MAKE THE ABSENCES EXCUSED.  Most doctors have not had a problem with this, even with a positive home test

Any questions please call/email/text Nurse McKinnon:

Narragansett Middle School Nurse:

Alyssa McKinnon  ●  Email:

Phone:  978-939-2113  ●  Fax 978-939-8634  ● **NEW** Text: 978-939-6326

NRSD Health & Wellness Department

👟 Athletics


Athletics-related questions?  

Contact the Athletic Director: 

Brad Bond ● ●  978-939-7325

NRSD Athletic Department