memo heading

A message from the district!

Hello Narragansett Parents/Guardians and Community Members, As the Narragansett Regional School District begins to formalize its FY25 budget planning process, we want to hear from you!  We designed this anonymous survey to help our school community share their input with the School Committee and the District Leadership Team to identify areas we can improve to ensure that our community is as educated as it is informed of the budget process. 

Please take a few minutes to participate in this quick survey that addresses these two points. All survey participants will be anonymous, and we kindly ask that you only complete the survey once to ensure that we are gathering the most accurate information.

💉A Covid Vaccine clinic has been scheduled for Thursday January 11, 2024 3:00-6:00 PM in the Narragansett Middle School Cafeteria. This clinic is open to anyone age 12 and up who wishes to be vaccinated. Please CLICK HERE to sign up.

😁 Getting Involved: NMS Extracurriculars: click HERE!
Don't forget that all students riding the
late bus are required to have a pass signed by the teacher with whom they stayed after school

📣 Important Dates & Reminders: click HERE

🗓️  Next Week @ NMS: Daily Schedule and Lunch Menu: click HERE

NRSD Food Services Department

❤️‍🩹 Nurse Notes

With cold and flu season fast approaching, please remind your students to wash hands FREQUENTLY, bring a water bottle THAT SEALS to school, and to NOT touch their face and mouth.

Did your student test positive for COVID? Here is the timeline...

  • Day 0 is the day you develop symptoms OR the day you test positive- whichever is earlier.

  • Remain Isolated through Day 5

  • Come out of isolation and return to school on Day 6 with a mask

    • If you have a negative test result on day 5, or later, you no longer need to mask. Although we are encouraging masking through day 10.

  • Mask at all times except while eating and drinking through day 10.

  • WE ARE REQUIRING DOCTORS NOTES FOR ALL COVID POSITIVES TO MAKE THE ABSENCES EXCUSED. Most doctors have not had a problem with this, even with a positive home test.

- Please be mindful of the ill exclusion policy, any questions please call/email/text Nurse McKinnon.

Narragansett Middle School Nurse:

 Alyssa McKinnon  ●  Email:

Phone:  978-939-2113  ●  Fax 978-939-8634  ● **NEW** Text: 978-939-6326

NRSD Health & Wellness Department

👟 Athletics

Athletics-related questions?  

Contact the Athletic Director: 

Brad Bond ● ●  978-939-7325

NMS Athletic Schedule (clickable link)

NRSD Athletic Department