Rainy window

Hello, NMS Families & Community and Happy Friday!

Don't forget next week there is a half day on Friday, October 6th.  NMS Students will be dismissed at 11:10 a.m.  See more upcoming dates & reminders below!

Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!   

On Thursday, September 28, the NMS student body and staff gathered in the Safka Auditorium to celebrate our first group named Students of the Month!  These students, selected by staff members, are chosen because they exemplify the core values of Be Nice, Work Hard, No Excuses, and Good Choices, which are the foundation of NMS's Shared Expectations. Through these building-wide expectations, students learn positive decision making and build skills in successful participation in classrooms and common spaces, which create spaces where students can thrive, unimpeded, academically.  Congratulations to (back row, left to right) Maxeene Marshall, Ryan Bouteldji, Dominic DiMucci, Austin Quinones; (front row, left to right) Abigail Tebbetts, CJ Zaporetsky, Cora Nicholson, and Ben Lottig.  Congratulations to all of our Students of the Month and thank you to the faculty / staff for taking the time to identify students deserving of the recognition!

Shared Expectations 

It's been a fantastic first month of school, and we want to thank all our NMS families for their obvious preparation as students arrived ready to go!   We will be continuing our calibration of school expectations and the return from summer vacation to help students meet the expectations of being back in school socially, behaviorally, and academically. This means reviewing, teaching, and consistently reinforcing behavioral expectations first, so that distractions are minimized and an environment where academic success can flourish is created and maintained.  When asked “Why?” by a student in response to a redirection about voice level, running, or roughhousing, we often need to remind them of the fact “We’re in school.” In an effort to help our students, NMS focuses on four

basic shared expectations that our core values are rooted in: Be Nice, Work Hard, No Excuses, and Good Choices. Teachers have been teaching and reviewing these concepts in preparation for a rigorous academic return to school in order to have a successful year. As students are shown and explore these expectations, they are also learning to acknowledge the consequences of poor choices, including the progressive disciplinary actions that may result. Our goal is to keep families informed, and of how the system works (click here or on the thumbnail).  The chart explaining what to expect, so that we can all work together for the best outcomes, is shown (left). We look forward to working together and having an amazing year!

Attention Skiers and Snowboarders!  It's time start thinking about SKI CLUB

Anyone interested in joining the NRSD Ski Club should check out the details here:  Ski Club Information.  This six-week program starts in January, but because space is limited, you need to act NOW if you want to be part of the fun!   Transportation to and from Wachusett Mountain is available but also limited, so don't wait!

After-school Band: Your Instruments are IN!

The 5th and 6th Grade After-school Band kicks off next week and just in time, instruments have arrived!  See Mr. O'Connor if you have an instrument to pick up!  Details on when 5th Grade Band and 6th Grade Band meet are below in NMS Clubs & Activities!

7th Graders Treated to a Guest Speaker Ahead of Upcoming Field Trip

On Tuesday, September 26, a representative from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation spoke to 7th Grade students in preparation for their field trip next Friday to the Quabbin Reservoir. Our guest from DCR did a presentation about the special aspects of the Quabbin, including its history and extensive ecological significance. This, along with the work students have been doing in Ms. Latka’s Science class, will enrich the students’ experience. This trip is an academic experience that has connections to what the 7th grade students will be learning about in Science class this year. Above, students listen to information about the area they’ll be visiting.

Picture Retakes!

If a student was absent for school photos on September 12, please mark your calendars for picture retakes on Wednesday, October 18!  Those students who missed picture day can get a picture form in the main office and either complete it or  go online (link is on the form in the main office).  Any student who purchased a package but would like to have their portrait retaken should bring the original package back to school with them on the 18th.  

Upcoming Social Emotional Survey

An Important Message From the Narragansett Regional School District Care Team

Hello 'Gansett Families,

As we continue to address the needs of students, we are preparing to send out the social and emotional survey again. You will receive an email from “Edumetris” to complete a survey for each of your children on October 2nd. Your input is critical to knowing how your child is managing these stressful times. 

Please complete the survey for each of your children by October 13th. The teachers will be completing the survey for each child again and the high school students will be invited to participate in a self-report survey. This data will be used to determine if there are students in need of additional support. If your child is identified as needing more support, a member of the counseling team will contact you directly, prior to any support being put in place. 

If you have any questions/concerns or wish to not have your child participate in this survey process, please contact us at counseling@nrsd.org. If you have previously opted out and would like to again, please send an email which will remain in place for the SY 23-24 school year. 

If you are new to the district or to the screener, the following list of frequently asked questions is offered as additional explanation:

What if I do not have concerns about my child, do I still complete the survey?

Yes, the data supports the district in knowing what individual students need, but it also allows us to see how healthy the whole student population is across the district, schools, and classrooms. 

How do students answer BIMAS questions?

Students in grades 8-12 complete a survey. Students are asked to complete a short, online survey, related to their academic, behavioral, and emotional needs. For each question, students will answer “never,” “rarely,” “sometimes,” “often,” or “very often.” It is estimated that the screener takes 3-5 minutes to complete per child.

Why is BIMAS done three times a year?

This screener can help us identify students who are at risk of academic, behavioral, or emotional difficulties and provide additional support to strengthen these skills. By administering the BIMAS three times a year, it allows us to monitor and track students’ behavioral health over time, looking for any changes that could be a concern.

What are the questions based on?

The BIMAS-2 screener looks at adaptive skills, internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and school problems. Some examples of questions on the BIMAS-2 screener are:

- During the past week, I shared my thoughts with others.

- During the past week, I was sad or withdrawn.

- During the past week, I tried my hardest when it came to schoolwork.

- During the past week, I used alcohol and/or drugs.

Where does the BIMAS data go and what is it used for?

The screening results are stored securely and designated only for the staff that work directly with the child. The care teams for each building will review this data to identify students that may need additional follow-up. On a larger scale, the data generated will also help us determine district and school-wide programs, interventions, and training needs for staff, and can analyze and evaluate which school initiatives are effective as well as identify opportunities for improvement.

If my student answers a question with a concerning answer, will you follow up?

Yes! One of the main purposes of this screening is to identify students at risk and provide them with follow-up as needed. A parent/guardian is contacted prior to any actions being taken. 


Narragansett Care Team

  🚌Transportation  FAQs

Where do I drop off my student in the morning?

Please be sure that all students being dropped off by private vehicle in the morning are along the sidewalk marked "Drop Off Zone", BEFORE the middle school crosswalk, and not along the sidewalk beyond the main entrance (see map, left).  Student safety is our #1 priority.

In the afternoon for pick ups, parking is allowed along the entire length of the sidewalk within the driveway but there is still no stopping in the inside lane for safety reasons.  Click on the map to enlarge.

How does the late bus work?

Students who stay after school and want to ride the late bus must obtain a pass from the teacher they have stayed after school with (or the activity / club advisor).

Late bus stops are NOT the same as the morning or afternoon bus runs, and can be found here.  Students are responsible for knowing which stop they will get off the late bus at, and indicate it on their pass before boarding.  Parents / guardians should review these expectations with students who are staying after and utilizing school district transportation.

Can my child ride a friend's bus home?

Unfortunately, no.  Students may not ride on a bus they are not assigned to.  For more information on bus riding expectations, please see the NRSD Student & Family Handbook.

😁 Getting Involved: NMS Extracurriculars   
ActivityAdvisor / Faculty LeaderMeeting Dates
After-school Band 2:30 - 3:30 

 Sign up for after-school band HERE
Mr. O'Connor goconnor@nrsd.orgTuesday: 5th Grade Band 
1st meeting: Tues., Oct. 3 

 Thursday: 6th Grade Band 
1st meeting: Thurs., Oct. 5  

 (Band runs 2:30 - 3:30.  Students riding the late bus are welcome to attend after-school band until 2:55!)  

 Any 7th student interested--see Mr. O'Connor!
Art ClubMrs. Dupuis jdupuis@nrsd.orgThursdays (as announced)
1st meeting Oct. 5
International ClubMrs. Medlicott jmedlicott@nrsd.orgThursdays
Intramural  Dodgeball 

Appropriate footwear required
Ms. Eaton aeaton@nrsd.org
Mrs. Caouette lcaouette@nrsd.org
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays
Leo Club (Volunteers)Mrs. Dupuis jdupuis@nrsd.orgTuesdays (as announced)
Science / STEM ClubMr. Dufour cdufour@nrsd.orgTuesdays  
Student CouncilMrs. Wheeler gwheeler@nrsd.org
Mrs. Parker lparker@nrsd.org 
Thursdays (as announced)   
Theater Guild / Drama ClubMr. Schlundt gschlundt@nrsd.orgMondays
YearbookMrs. Rivard drivard@nrsd.org Mondays as announced (two meetings per month)    
Next meeting 10/16

📣 Important Dates & Reminders
Thursday, October 57th Grade Field Trip to Quabbin Reservoir
Friday, October 6Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.  Afternoon Professional Development for staff
Monday, October 9Columbus Day--No School
Wednesday, October 18School Portrait RETAKES!
Thursday, October 26Students of the Month Assembly!
Tuesday, November 7No School for Students Full Day  Professional Development for staff
Friday, November 10No School--Veterans Day Observed
Monday, November 20Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Teacher Conferences--Afternoon and Evening Sessions (details forthcoming)
Tuesday, November 21Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Teacher Conferences--Afternoon Sessions Only (details forthcoming)
Wednesday, November 22Half Day of School
November 23 & 24Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, November 30Students of the Month Assembly!
Thursday, December 21Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.
December 22 - January 1Holiday Vacation 
Tuesday, January 2School Re-opens; Happy New Year!
Friday, January 12Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.  Afternoon Professional Development for staff
Monday, January 15No School -- Martin Luther King Day
Friday, February 2Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.  Afternoon Professional Development for staff
February 19 - 23February Vacation
Friday, March 8Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.  Afternoon Professional Development for staff
Thursday, March 28Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.  Afternoon Professional Development for staff
Friday, March 29No School--Good Friday
Wednesday, April 10Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Teacher Conferences--Afternoon Sessions Only (details forthcoming)
Thursday, April 11Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Teacher Conferences--Afternoon Sessions Only (details forthcoming)
Friday, April 12Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.  Afternoon Professional Development for staff
April 15 - 19April Vacation

🗓️  Next Week @ NMS:  Daily Schedule and Lunch Menu
Monday, October 2Tuesday, October 3Wednesday, October 4Thursday, October 5Friday, October 6
B DayC DayD DayE DayF Day
Chicken NuggetsMini CalzoneGeneral Tso's ChickenPasta Day: Penne & MeatballsNo Lunch Served
Half Day

NRSD Food Services Department

❤️‍🩹 Nurse Notes

Contacting Nurse McKinnon JUST GOT EASIER:

Text 978-939-6326 to reach the middle school nurse.   Please feel free to use this text line for quick questions as well.   Please save this number in your cell phone because Nurse McKinnon sends out reminders/updates this way. 


Upcoming Health Screenings this school year:

  • Postural Screens for 5th, 6th, and 7th      
  • Vision, hearing, height/weight/BMI, and SBIRT for 7th only 

If you would like to opt out of any of the screenings listed above, PLEASE email/call me ASAP.  I will not be rescreening any student who had screenings completed during their yearly physical. 

With cold and flu season fast approaching, please remind your students to wash hands FREQUENTLY, bring a water bottle THAT SEALS to school, and to NOT touch their face and mouth. 

Health office FYI- Both viral and bacterial strep has been on the increase recently, so please keep that in mind. Also, please be mindful of our exclusion policy, if anyone has any questions about that, please text/call me! 

Narragansett Middle School Nurse:

 Alyssa McKinnon  ●  Email: amckinnon@nrsd.org

Phone:  978-939-2113  ●  Fax 978-939-8634  ● **NEW** Text: 978-939-6326

NRSD Nurse Leader:

 Myriah Zwicker    ● Email: ezwicker@nrsd.org

Phone: 978-652-0201    ●  Fax: 978-939-8634

NRSD Health & Wellness Department

👟 Athletics

Athletics-related questions?  

Contact the Athletic Director: 

Brad Bond ● gansettathletics@nrsd.org ●  978-939-7325

Next week's sports (Week of October 2nd)

(please check the online schedule--link below--frequently as changes occur constantly due to weather or conditions)

NMS Athletic Schedule 

Anyone interested in Warrior Elite Travel Basketball, please click here. (**REGISTRATION CLOSES 9/30**)

NRSD Athletic Department

Here's the Recap in case you missed it....

📞 NMS Phone Tree 

1.   Attendance line/Attendance Secretary, Mrs. Lyons

2. NMS School Nurse, Ms. McKinnon

3. NMS Adjustment Counselor, Mrs. Ambrozy

4. Athletics, Mr. Bond

5. NMS Main Office, Mrs. Murphy to reach the building administration (Mrs. LaFreniere or Ms. Smith), leave voicemails for staff, or for any questions not related to a line above).

To reach the NRSD Central Office, the phone number is 978-939-5661.

🫂 School Council

Narragansett Middle School will be looking to elect two Parent / Guardian representatives to the NMS School Council.   Elections will be announced when candidates are identified.  From the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education webpage:

What is a school council?  A school council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, community members and, at the secondary level, students, required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C.

What is the reason the Education Reform Act calls for establishing school councils?  Teachers, parents, and community members can become more committed to improving the schools and more supportive of the public school system when they enjoy the opportunity to serve or be represented on a school council that has a role in shaping the policies and programs of the school.

If you are interested in being a candidate for election to the NMS School Council, please contact Principal Mary LaFreniere at mlafreniere@nrsd.org.