Hello, NMS Families & Community!
It's been another great week, despite the heat, and NMS wraps up week #2 feeling excited about the year! Here's what's going on!
Thank you to everyone who came out to our annual Open House on Wednesday evening! We had a great turnout and it was wonderful to meet so many families! Stay tuned for opportunities to get involved and be part of our NMS school community!
Student Council students who serve as NMS Ambassadors help host Open House and guide visiting families, above.
We will be starting extracurricular activities next week--any student who plans to ride the late bus MUST FOLLOW THE LATE BUS PROCEDURES (see below)!
Are YOU Connected? |
Stay in touch this year with the NRSD website and associated outlets! If you haven't yet downloaded the app, you want to get going now! Our app is used to alert families to important happenings and updates. Go to www.nrsd.org and scroll to the bottom of the page for a link to the App Store or Google Play to get the app!
And be sure you're checking each week for updates through The Friday Memo! If you have the app, you will receive alerts to your phone when new information is released.
🖊️ Importance of Signing the Student & Family Handbook Acknowledgment |
Please be sure you have logged into School Brains using the credentials sent by our Informational Technology Department (IT) and signed the electronic handbook acknowledgment. This important step allows students to receive their Chromebooks as well as replacement devices, as well as ensure that families have reviewed district and school-specific information.
📣 Coming This Week! |
📱Digital Health & Safety Presentation for Parents / Guardians
On Wednesday, September 13, students at NMS will hear a presentation from Katie Greer, and expert in Digital Health & Safety. That evening, parents and guardians only are invited to a presentation in the NRHS Kiva at 6:00 p.m. Click here to see the letter from Superintendent Casavant with more details! Don't miss this important informational event. Babysitting is available starting at 5:45 p.m.!
📷 School Picture Day!
Don't miss school portraits on Tuesday, September 12th! Retakes: October 18th!
🫂A Note from the 7th Grade Team: Quabbin Field Trip!
The 7th Grade Team is in the process of planning a field trip to the Quabbin Reservoir in Belchertown, MA. This field trip will take place on Thursday, October 5, 2023 (rain date Friday, October 20, 2023.) Students will leave Narragansett Middle School promptly at 7:55 a.m. and will return at 2:05 p.m. This field trip will be informative as well as exciting! There will be various stations each bus will visit throughout the Quabbin Reservoir, which also includes a stop at the McLaughlin Fish Hatchery in Belchertown.
Please note:
Cost of the trip is $10 per student
Students will leave Narragansett Middle School promptly at 7:55 a.m. and will return at 2:05 p.m.
Dress for the weather --- students will be outside all day and hiking
Sturdy shoes are required --- no flip flops or sandals
Lunch is NOT included in the cost of the trip. Students are to bring a "brown bag" lunch and drink (no glass or energy drinks are allowed.) Lunches and snacks should be peanut free.
No refunds will be given unless the trip is canceled
Permission slips were distributed to students in Science class. Please return the permission slip along with payment of $10 by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 to your Science Teacher. Please make checks payable to Narragansett Middle School (NMS).
We hope that your child will take part in this enjoyable and educational experience! This trip is an academic experience that will help support what the 7th grade students will be learning about in Science class this year. It will be very difficult to recreate this experience within the walls of a classroom.
* We may need (8) chaperones. If parents are interested in chaperoning, please email Ms. Latka at slatka@nrsd.org Chaperones do not need to pay for their spot on the trip. **CORI must be completed in the office the week before the trip!**
*Cost of the trip is $10. Any donations for students unable to pay would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Grade 7 Team
💻 School Brains |
The NRSD utilizes the School Brains platform for communication and academic progress updates. All families received credentials for accessing their School Brains account and should log in immediately. School Brains is our primary tool for communicating academic information like progress reports and quarterly report cards. If you have any questions about accessing your School Brains account, please email the NRSD Help Desk: helpdesk@nrsd.org.
🚌Transportation & Drop-off / Pick Up |
Please be sure you have reviewed the procedures for student arrival and departure from NMS.
All bus riders at NMS (and NRHS) will be dropped off in the rear of the school. Any middle school student being dropped of by private vehicle or walking will enter through the front / main entrance (high school students enter through the high school). Vehicle drop offs can be made by entering the Middle/High School complex driveway off of Baldwinville Road any time after 7:15 a.m. All private cars should follow the green arrows shown; IMPORTANT: for safety reasons, entry to the staff parking lot is not permitted during morning drop off.
Students being dropped off or walking who wish to eat breakfast should arrive prior to 7:35. Students arriving by bus will be permitted to grab breakfast upon arrival. All students should be in their first period class by 7:45 to avoid being marked absent.
🚍Important: Late Bus Procedures |
Late Bus Information:
- the late bus will run on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons, departing from the rear parking lot, at 3:00 p.m.
- students riding the late bus MUST obtain a pass from the staff member they stayed after school with
- students riding the late bus MUST know their LATE BUS STOP using THIS LATE BUS STOP INFORMATION and have it noted on their late bus pass
Need late bus information? Click: NRSD Bus Routes
📞 NRSD Has a New Phone System! |
When calling the NMS main phone number, 978-939-5928, please listen carefully to the options so you can best be directed to the party you are looking to speak with. To best serve your needs, there is a specific number designated for the most common requests. Upon reaching the main menu, please be sure to select carefully:
1. Attendance line: use this to reach Mrs. Ann Lyons, Attendance Secretary: call a student out, ask questions about an attendance designation, or to discuss attendance coding. The NMS Main Office is not the location for any attendance-related questions.
2. NMS School Nurse, Ms. McKinnon: use this to reach the NMS health office for any related questions.
3. NMS Adjustment Counselor, Mrs. Ambrozy: use this line to reach Mrs. Ambrozy with questions about your student, or to return a phone call from her.
4. Athletics: use this NRSD Athletic Director, Mr. Bond, when you have any questions that are athletics related. Questions about registration, practices, games, schedules, etc., should be directed here.
5. NMS Main Office: to reach the building administration (Mrs. LaFreniere or Ms. Smith), leave voicemails for staff, or for any questions not related to a line above, select 5 to reach Mrs. Murphy in the office.
To reach the NRSD Central Office, the phone number is 978-939-5661.
🫂 School Council |
Narragansett Middle School will be looking to elect two Parent / Guardian representatives to the NMS School Council. Elections will be announced when candidates are identified. From the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education webpage:
What is a school council? A school council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, community members and, at the secondary level, students, required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C.
What is the reason the Education Reform Act calls for establishing school councils? Teachers, parents, and community members can become more committed to improving the schools and more supportive of the public school system when they enjoy the opportunity to serve or be represented on a school council that has a role in shaping the policies and programs of the school.
If you are interested in being a candidate for election to the NMS School Council, please contact Principal Mary LaFreniere at mlafreniere@nrsd.org.
😁 Getting Involved: NMS Extracurriculars Late Bus Riders: KNOW YOUR LATE BUS STOP! 🚍 |
Activity | Advisor / Faculty Leader | Meeting Dates |
After-school Band 2:30 - 3:30 5th and 6th Grade assembly to learn about instrument rentals, next Thursday, September 14! | Mr. O'Connor goconnor@nrsd.org | Tuesday: 5th Grade Band First meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 3 Thursday: 6th Grade Band First meeting: Thurs., Oct. 5 (Band runs 2:30 - 3:30. Students riding the late bus are welcome to attend after-school band until 2:55!) Any 7th student interested--see Mr. O'Connor! |
Art Club | Mrs. Dupuis jdupuis@nrsd.org | Thursdays as announced (usually alternating weeks) First meeting: Oct. 5 |
International Club | Mrs. Medlicott jmedlicott@nrsd.org | Thursdays |
(Fall session: Dodgeball) Appropriate footwear required | Ms. Eaton aeaton@nrsd.org & Mrs. Caouette lcaouette@nrsd.org | Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays |
Leo Club (Volunteers) | Mrs. Dupuis jdupuis@nrsd.org | Tuesdays as announced Upcoming meeting: Sept. 19 |
Science / STEM Club | Mr. Dufour cdufour@nrsd.org | Tuesdays Upcoming meeting: Sept. 19 |
Student Council | Mrs. Wheeler gwheeler@nrsd.org & Mrs. Parker lparker@nrsd.org | Thursdays as announced First meeting *CHANGED*; NOW Sept. 21 |
Theater Guild / Drama Club | Mr. Schlundt gschlundt@nrsd.org | Mondays |
Yearbook | Mrs. Rivard drivard@nrsd.org | Mondays as announced (two meetings per month) Upcoming meetings: Sept. 18 and Sept. 25 |
🎵 After-school Band for any student interested will be starting soon!
A message from Mr. O'Connor, NMS Music teacher:
Band is a wonderful opportunity for your child. For many students, the highlights of their school careers involve band! On Thursday, September 14th at 9am 5th and 6th grade students will attend an assembly where David French Music will give a demonstration of all the instruments available for beginning band. All instruments can be rented through French Music in a Rent-to-Own program. After completing the payments, the instrument becomes yours.
Please go to https://www.davidfrenchmusic.c... and click on Rentals to get started and for more information on the Rent-to-Own program and the specific instruments you can choose from. All instruments can be ordered directly online and will be delivered on Thursday, September 28th to the Middle School band room. Students will be able to take home their instrument that day.
After School Band is going to be on Tuesdays from 2:30pm-3:30pm for 5th grade and 2:30pm-3:30pm for 6th grade. The schedule for this will be contained below.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at goconnor@nrsd.org
Mr. O’Connor
📣 Important Dates & Reminders |
Tuesday, September 12 | School Portrait Day at NMS! |
Wednesday, September 13 | Digital Health & Safety Presentation by Katie Greer for students in the morning Digital Health & Safety Presentation by Katie Greer for parents / guardians at 6:00 p.m. in the NRHS Kiva (babysitting available starting at 5:45 p.m.!) |
Friday, October 6 | Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Afternoon Professional Development for staff |
Monday, October 9 | Columbus Day--No School |
Wednesday, October 18 | School Portrait RETAKES! |
Tuesday, November 7 | No School for Students Full Day Professional Development for staff |
Friday, November 10 | No School--Veterans Day Observed |
Monday, November 20 | Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Teacher Conferences--Afternoon and Evening Sessions (details forthcoming) |
Tuesday, November 21 | Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Teacher Conferences--Afternoon Sessions Only (details forthcoming) |
Wednesday, November 22 | Half Day of School |
November 23 & 24 | Thanksgiving Break--No School |
December 21 | Half Day of School for Students & Staff |
December 22 - January 1 | Holiday Vacation |
January 12 | Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Afternoon Professional Development for staff |
January 15 | No School -- Martin Luther King Day |
February 2 | Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Afternoon Professional Development for staff |
February 19 - 23 | February Vacation |
March 8 | Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Afternoon Professional Development for staff |
March 28 | Half Day of School--Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. Afternoon Professional Development for staff |
🗓️ Next Week @ NMS: Schedule and Lunch Menu |
Monday, September 11 | Tuesday, September 12 | Wednesday, September 13 | Thursday, September 14 | Friday, September 15 |
A Day | B Day | C Day | D Day | E Day |
Hamburger / Cheeseburger | Philly Cheesesteak | General Tso's Chicken | Penne & Meatballs | Assorted Pizza |
NRSD Food Services Department
❤️🩹 Nurse Notes |
Welcome back! Here are a few friendly reminders from the health office!
If your student needs scheduled medication during the school day make sure to have their doctor fax over an active order ASAP, and drop off the medication to my office. It is very important that medication is brought in by parent/guardian and NOT sent in your students backpack.
Please send in your students medical paperwork, especially the consent for over the counter meds, so I’m able to give if needed
Please have your student come to school with a sealable water bottle, hydration is key to keep kids healthy and in class learning!
Let’s try to stay ahead of the incoming cold/flu season! Remind your students of frequent hand washing, not touching their face/mouth, and not sharing snacks/drinks with friends at school.
Any questions or concerns at all please don’t hesitate to call/email me. Healthy kids are happy kids!
NRSD Health & Wellness Department
Narragansett Middle School Nurse:
Alyssa McKinnon ● Email: amckinnon@nrsd.org
Phone: 978-939-2113 ● Fax 978-8634
NRSD Nurse Leader:
Myriah Zwicker ● Email: ezwicker@nrsd.org
Phone: 978-652-0201 ● Fax: 978-939-8634
👟 Athletics |
Athletics-related questions?
Contact the Athletic Director:
Brad Bond ● gansettathletics@nrsd.org ● 978-9369-7325
(first NMS events next week!)
Anyone interested in Warrior Elite Travel Basketball, please click here.