Orange Tulips
What's New This Week!

Congratulations to the winners of the Yearbook Cover contest!  Students were invited to design the cover of the 2023 edition of the NMS yearbook to give it a personalized touch.  Congratulations to all those selected! 1st place: 6th Grader Morgan Habel; 2nd place: 6th Grader Sophia Boumil; and tied for 3rd place: 6th Grade Leah Gagnon and 7th Grader Lydia Draleau!  The winning designs are below.

A big thank you to the Narragansett Regional High School's Chapter of the English Honor Society!  Part of their mission is to instill the love of reading and to strengthen literacy at all ages.  Chapter members ran Bingo for Books with NMS ELA students on Friday, May 12.  Winners got prizes and enjoyed a fun activity hosted by 11th and 12th grade students.  Thank you to our ELA teachers for their assistance and to chapter advisor, Mrs. Mandy Flis, for her help in organizing this fun event!

In Case You Missed It, Here's The Recap!

📖 Order your NMS yearbook!  Go online now to to order yours!  The 2023 NMS yearbook code is 14306923.

🚫 Please remember that students are not permitted to use their cell phone at school.  If you need to contact your student in an emergency, please contact the main office and we will relay the message.  Students who are using their devices will receive a tech violation write up, and depending on how many they have accrued, may be subject to disciplinary action. 

💻 MCAS math testing is underway and we will finally conclude all sessions on May 16!  Please be especially mindful of unnecessary absences  during these last weeks, as the windows assigned by the state are limited in what make up time we have.  All of our MCAS dates can be found in our School Events listings on our webpage.

G DayA DayB DayC DayA Day
BBQ Rib Sandwich
Baked Beans Tossed Salad Fresh Fruit
Choice of milk
Mini Calzone 
Tossed Salad
Choice of milk

Pulled Pork Sandwich 

Baked Beans

Tossed Salad

Choice of milk

Chicken Alfredo

Tossed Salad

Choice of milk

Half Day
No lunch served

Click here to visit the Food Services Page (Lunch Menus)

Please note you can select "This Week", "Next Week", or "All" from the dropdown menu on the right side of the Food Service menu page to see ahead for what's coming up in the school lunch menu!

The menu page for the district (M/HS and TES) is accessible through the "Food Services" link on the district navigational menu and  for the M/HS from the NMS web page by clicking the blue "Food Services" icon under the page video banner. 

🖥Narragansett Middle and Regional High School  continues to partner with Heywood Healthcare by bringing school based services to our  students. These services include behavioral  health, medical, and community resources.  We encourage you to sign up your child in  advance by completing Heywood’s School  Based Services Enrollment packet by simply clicking here.  For any additional information, please  email

Narragansett Middle School Health Office

Alyssa McKinnon, School Nurse 


Click here to visit the Health & Wellness Page 

Brad Bond, Athletic Director: 978-939-7325


Monday, May 15

Middle School Softball @ Bromfield, 4:00 p.m.

Middle School Baseball @ Bromfield, 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday, May 16

Unified Co-Ed Outdoor Track@ Lunenburg, 3:30 p.m.

Thursday,  May 18

Middle School Baseball @ Quabbin, 3:30 p.m.

Middle School Softball @ Quabbin, 3:30 p.m.

Friday,  May 19

Middle School Girls and Boys Outdoor Track @ Fitchburg, 4:00 p.m.

Click here to visit the Athletics Page

Click here to visit the NMS Calendar Page 

Monday, May 15

MCAS: 5th Grade Math Session I

Tuesday, May 16

MCAS: 5th Grade Math Session II 🥳--LAST ONE!

Wednesday, May 17

B Day / Activity Day!  Students of the Month Assembly!

Friday, May 19

Half Day of School for Students—Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. (afternoon PD for staff)

Monday, May 29

No School—Memorial Day

Monday June 5 - Friday, June 9

7th Grade Ecology School Trip (contact Mrs. Chagnon for details:

**NEW** Wednesday, June 76th Grade Field Trip to Canobie Lake Park
Monday, June 12D Day / Activity Day!  Students of the Month Assembly!
**NEW** Wednesday, June 145th Grade Field Trip to Old Sturbridge Village
Monday, June 19No School--Juneteenth
Monday, June 26180th scheduled (last) day of school (after EIGHT snow days: 12/16, 1/6, 1/20, 1/23, 1/24, 3/1, 3/14, 3/15)