
Academic Learning Standards

Family Guides to the Academic Standards

Curriculum standards form the foundation of the academic learning that students engage in. These guides to the Massachusetts learning standards help families understand what students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of each grade. Designed to help families and teachers work together to support learning, the guides are available in multiple languages by clicking here.

Social and Emotional Learning Standards

Social and Emotional Learning Standards

In addition to academics, our students' social, emotional, and behavioral wellbeing is important. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) uses the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL's), definition of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) which states that SEL is the process of developing students' and adults' social and emotional competencies - the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that individuals need to make successful choices. These competencies are taught in several ways. These vary depending on students' age and grade level, bt may include:

  • free-standing lessons provide explicit, step-by step instructions to teach students social and emotional competencies across the five core competency clusters;

  • general teaching practices that create classroom and school-wide conditions that facilitate and support social and emotional development in students;

  • integration of skill instruction and practices that support SEL within the context of an academic curriculum; and

  • as a District-wide initiative.

You can learn more at DESE's site, click here.

Instructional Priorities at NRSD

We utilize a Learning Walkthrough process to continually improve student learning and classroom instruction. This non-evaluative process employs teams of teachers and administrators who visit classrooms and gather schoolwide data on student learning. Although Covid-19 put a pause on this process, we're ready to go again! Click here to see what our current Focus of Inquiry is.