Required Documentation for Enrollment
Birth Certificate
Physical (completed within the last year)
Immunizations List (Click here for MA School Requirements)
Lead Screening (grades PK-4 only)
Proof of Residency with Current Address (for Templeton & Phillipston residents):
Purchase & Sale Agreement with Current Date
Official Rent Receipt with Current Date
Property Tax Bill with Current Date
Utility Bill/Receipt with Current Date
If you cannot provide one of the above forms of proof because you are living with someone else and do not have anything in your name, please have the person you are residing with complete the form below and have it notarized.
If you cannot provide one of the above forms of proof because you are considered homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act or foster students under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) please inform the Registrar when sending in your documentation.
2024-2025 School Year: Templeton/Phillipston Residents
Preschool Enrollment
Contact Terry LaBonte, Early Childhood Coordinator
Phone: (978) 939-8892
Fax: (978) 939-1211
Contact Penny Taintor, Administrative Assistant
Phone: (978) 939-8892
Fax: (978) 939-1211
Kindergarten Enrollment: Download and print the registration packet for the grade level needed above, fill it out completely, and return with all required documentation to:
Contact Penny Taintor, Administrative Assistant, PO Box 306, 17 South Road, Templeton, MA 01468
Phone: (978) 939-8892
Fax: (978) 939-1211
Grades 1-12 Enrollment: Download and print the registration packet for the grade level needed above, fill it out completely, and return with all required documentation to:
Melanie Murphy, Registrar/Data Specialist, 462 Baldwinville Road, Baldwinville, MA 01436
Phone: (978) 939-6218
Fax: (978) 939-5179
2025-2026 School Year: Kindergarten Registration Opens February 10, 2025
Packets are now available online (above) and for pick-up from February 10 - February 28th from 7 AM - 5:30 PM in the lobby at the Templeton Elementary School, 17 South Road, Templeton, MA. Please Note: The office will be closed February 17 - 21 (school vacation) for returning packets, but the lobby will be open to pick-up packets.
Completed packets need to be returned no later than Friday, March 7th during office hours (8 AM - 3:45 PM).
Non-Templeton/Phillipston Residents
Please note: You must apply for School Choice and be approved before registering your child in the district. Click HERE for more information.